Interim Management
You have a long-term project, such as a post-merger integration or a process optimization, which requires not only professional project management, but also the undivided attention of a line manager in your own organization, especially throughout the implementation phase? Or you are planning to introduce a new department and need an experienced manager from outside for a start-up phase? Or you are not sure if you want to have a particular management position in the long run, but you definitely need to manage a transition for a limited period of time?
Then the right answer may be to bring in an experienced manager on a temporary basis: a service known as “interim manager”.
Whether the right solution for a given situation is project management or interim management is a matter that needs to be carefully considered. Interim management is a valid and often preferable alternative to long-term project management.
Having used both approaches over the years, I am able to offer the right solution for your specific situation.
What I Offer